Aviation Risk Management in the Age of “Fake Parts”

By Sonja Aletter, COO of eTT Aviation

Risk management has always been a big part of any airline executive’s responsibility. But the headlines these days make it all seem like something new.

 In the wake of alarming revelations about counterfeit aircraft parts infiltrating the global aviation industry, the urgency to enhance transparency, tracking, and accountability in aviation operations has never been more acute. 

 Recent frauds, such as those uncovered with AOG Technics Ltd., expose chinks in the industry’s armor, highlighting vulnerabilities and pressing the need for robust oversight. Addressing these emergent risks demands a fusion of diligence, tech solutions, and consistent monitoring. Enter SkedFlex MISA from eTT Aviation.

 SkedFlex MISA – An Essential Line of Defense

 The aviation world is a vast expanse of interconnected systems, where a single discrepancy or oversight, like fraudulent paperwork or counterfeit components, can snowball into significant safety hazards. SkedFlex MISA, with its two-decade legacy, offers a multifaceted solution designed to combat such vulnerabilities head-on.

 Key MISA Modules to Counteract Risk:

1.    Maintenance: As seen with the bogus parts’ discovery, a robust maintenance monitoring system is paramount. MISA’s maintenance module ensures each part’s history is transparent and verifiable, with clear details on costs, revenues, and task-specific invoicing.

2.    Inventory Management: In an era when unapproved parts can infiltrate global airline fleets, tracking every part’s journey is non-negotiable. MISA offers granular tracking from the moment of purchase to eventual overhaul, ensuring compliance, inventory control, and genuine valuation.

3.    Accounting: Transparent accounting isn’t just for balance sheets but serves as a frontline tool to detect anomalies and potential frauds. MISA’s accounting module ensures that discrepancies, like those seen in counterfeit part sales, can be quickly identified and addressed.

4.    Purchasing: A module that can be a game-changer in situations like the AOG scandal. With an inclusive view of repairs, purchases, vendor performance, and warranties, fraudulent transactions can be minimized.

 The MISA Advantage in a High-Risk Landscape

 When counterfeit parts can surreptitiously make their way into the core of aircraft operations, relying on multiple disjointed applications becomes a ticking time bomb. Fragmented systems invite inefficiencies and amplify the risk of oversight.

 MISA’s holistic approach integrates business processes across all departments, establishing a safeguard against pitfalls. Its consistency and transparency significantly reduce the chances of fraudulent elements slipping through the cracks.

 Moreover, with detailed reporting capabilities and a continuously refined user interface, MISA provides an efficient platform to rapidly respond to potential threats and discrepancies.


 The AOG Technics scandal serves as a wakeup call, accentuating the urgent need for rigorous oversight in the aviation industry. Tools like SkedFlex MISA are no longer just advantageous but essential in safeguarding the integrity and safety of global aviation operations. As risks escalate, embracing such comprehensive tools becomes the cornerstone for ensuring safety, transparency, and accountability in the aviation world.

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